Tinnitus is a very common disease in Otolaryngology, neurology, respiratory and sleep, rehabilitation and other departments. It is also a symptom of many systemic diseases and local diseases. There are many stimulating and influencing factors, which are often closely related to the psychological state of patients, so it is very difficult to diagnose. The mechanism of tinnitus is still unclear, but most scholars believe that tinnitus is caused by spontaneous discharge of the lesion.
Influencing factors of tinnitus
1) Psychological factors tinnitus is regulated by psychological factors to some extent.
2) Noise stimulation noise can not only cause hearing loss and tinnitus, but also aggravate tinnitus, occasionally reduce tinnitus.
3) Physical condition has many patients in fatigue, insomnia tinnitus aggravation, some female patients in menstrual period or a few days before the tinnitus aggravation
4) Diet and living habits, dietary environment and conditions have a greater impact on patients with tinnitus. If it is high salt food, it may aggravate the degree of tinnitus. Some allergic food consumption may also aggravate tinnitus symptoms, in addition, bad habits, such as excessive smoking, drinking, etc., will have a certain impact on the ears.
5) Postural changes may affect tinnitus.
6) Eye movement some patients feel the impact of tinnitus every time they blink