Nervous system disease is a disease of central and peripheral nervous system. It's the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerve, peripheral nerve, nerve root, plant nervous system, neuromuscular junction and muscle problems. These include epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and other dementia, cerebrovascular disease (including stroke, migraine and other headache diseases), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, neuroinfection, brain tumor, neurological trauma due to head trauma and malnutrition of neurological diseases caused by it.
The central nervous system (CNS) is the main part of the nervous system, including spinal cord in the spinal canal and brain in the skull cavity; It is usually located in the middle axis of the animal body, and consists of obvious ganglion, nerve cord or brain and spinal cord and the connection between them. In the central nervous system, a large number of nerve cells gather together, and form a network or circuit organically; Its main function is to transmit, store and process information, produce various psychological activities, control and control all animal behaviors
The peripheral nervous system is the second part of vertebrate nervous system. It acts as a connecting line between the central nervous system and the body parts. Therefore, it contains all nerves and ganglions outside the central nervous system. Two main parts of the peripheral nervous system can regulate voluntary and involuntary movements. They are the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. All involuntary behaviors such as blood flow, heart rate, digestion and respiration are related to the plant nervous system. Instead, the somatic nervous system coordinates all voluntary motor activities through the cranial and spinal nerves.